Headteachers Welcome

Welcome to Prospect Vale Primary School!

We hope that you are able to find a wealth of information about our school here. We are currently working hard to update and improve the information available on our website - please do bear with us while we do so.

We are a one form entry school where our aim is to 'make memories magical' for all of our children. We provide a challenging yet exciting curriculum; bringing learning to life and providing our children with a range of opportunities that enrich and embed their learning and experiences. We pride ourselves on providing a warm, nurturing environment for our learners and families with a caring, kind and committed team who are always there to help and support our children and families wherever we can.

You will see that we are a wonderfully diverse school community who celebrate everyone as unique. We help our children to understand the importance of kindness to others and celebrate difference through a range of curriculum work that focuses on Protected Characteristics and the Equality Act. Our holistic approaches in school contribute to laying the foundations for life-long learning and, in partnership with our families, gives our children what they need to become kind, respectful, self-confident, resilient and responsible as both learners and citizens; preparing for young adulthood and beyond. 

With wrap-around provision and a wealth of extra curricular activities offered throughout the academic year, we aim to provide as much opportunity for our children to help them discover skills and talents and to maximise their learning experiences.

We are very proud of our school and the children within it as they contribute to 'making memories magical' for us as a team too!

It is a pleasure to welcome you to our school.

Kind regards,

Mrs N Gaulton

Acting Head Teacher

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Prospect Vale Community School

Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3RJ