Year 4 - Beijing 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 4
Autumn Term
Our topic this term is ‘Ancient Civilisations.’
Building on from our learning in Year 3 about the Stone Age to Iron Age in Britain, we will be finding out what was happening in the rest of the world at that time. We will study the ancient civilisations of Sumer, Egypt, The Shang Dynasty and the Indus Valley. We will use our geography skills and knowledge of rivers to find out why these ancient civilisations became established. As part of this learning, we have planned a visit to Macclesfield Forrest where the children will take part in field work to bring our topic alive. Watch out for a letter about this in the next couple of weeks.
This term we will be concentrating on:
1) Number bonds within 0-10, 10-20, 0-50, 0-100 as well as learning times tables. We will focus on a different times table each week. This will be reinforced with the weekly homework tasks.
2) Reading skills. We would like the children to read aloud to an adult at least four times a week at home. Reading books need to be brought in to school EVERYDAY.
Year 4 will continue with their swimming lessons this term starting Friday 13th September.
Please see the newsletter in the file below to find out more information about our learning this term.
Essential links:
This is very useful for also exploring division and for consolidating/ learning specific times tables. 10 minutes each day can achieve wonders!
Book changing day-Monday
Spellings given out and tested - Tuesday
The key words that your child is expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 4 are listed in the file below!
Homework will be given on Thursday to be returned by Monday
Homework and spellings will be put on the Google classroom each week
PE- Monday and Friday but kits should be in school at all times. See file below for expected kit
Please help us by ensuring that your child has the correct books /kit / work/ equipment in school each day! Thank you!
Snacks are not provided but the children are often hungry by break time.
Please send in a fruit snack daily.
Please also remember that water bottles are essential in class each day!
Files to Download
Year 4 - Beijing: News items
Year 4 Netball festival at NCJPS, by Mrs Hall
RISE Stockport schools Gymnastics competition, by Mrs Hall
Year 4 - Beijing: Calendar items
PARENTS EVENING 1 - 3:30pm - 6pm, by Ms Cochrane
PARENTS EVENING 2 4:30pm - 7pm, by Ms Cochrane