PE in Year 5 - Autumn 1

During this half term, Year 5 have very busy learning tag rugby skills (invasion game) gymnastics and taking part in fitness sessions (sometimes the weather got the better of us for outdoor PE!)

Tag rugby is an invasion game and children develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In tag rugby the children do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards the try line to score. Pupils develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances.

Year 5 have shown a good level of skill in their ball handling techniques and dodging to attack and defend. They are developing their understanding of playing competitively whilst remembering tag rugby is a non-contact sport!

In gym the children ahve continued to develop balancing, rolling, jumping and inverted movements with increasing skill. They have explored partner relationships such as canon, synchronisation and symmetrical and asymmetrical balances. We have explored different travelling actions and skills using apparatus.

When we have done an indoor fitness session, the children have taken part in a range of activities that explore and develop different areas of their health and fitness. They have learned different components of fitness including speed, stamina, strength, co-ordination, balance and agility and enjoyed class challenges.

I look forward to enjoying more PE sessions in the next half term :)

Mrs Hall..

Prospect Vale Community School

Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3RJ