PE Golden Ticket!
This half term I have introduced an exciting new reward system for PE and sport in school..
Each PE lesson, the children have the chance to win a ticket for the 'Golden ticket box' which is located on the corridor by the sports boards.
Tickets are given for a variety of reasons - the children may have achieved a new skill, made extra effort in that particular lesson, shown good leadership skills or helped a class mate or shown great sportsmanship.
The Golden ticket draw will take place at the last assembly of each half term and today Mrs Gaulton drew out 2 tickets for my star prizes - 2 Special World Cup 2023 Rugby balls! (which fitted perfectly with the Rugby world cup final next weekend and all the tag rugby skills we have learned this half term)
The 2 Golden ticket winners were.........
Aadam A - Year 2
Anayah B - Year 1
Well done to both our winners. I hope you continue practising your rugby skills at home :)
The Golden ticket box is now empty and ready to be re-filled after half term ready for the next special prize.......
Mrs Hall